Dad Wildflower hike 4/9
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New Dad Class 4/27 @ Baby + Company
Find more info on the FB page or just contact us!!!
Another Father's Path: Living With Food Allergies
Once the thought of having a baby became REAL for me, I developed the opinion that there will always be SOMETHING wrong with every baby...
Secure what?
"Let's talk about secure attachment baby. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things that can happen when you...
Coach Sam
Here is the story. Many kids in the community refer to me as "Coach Sam." This titled has been earned. Hours of protecting myself from...
Dads Don't Do What? Wait...What?
I read a statistic a while back and saved it for a later date. It is not some mind boggling "99% of Dads secretly wish they had chosen a...
The thing about role models...
Like many men from the south, I have many memories of sitting with my grandfather and just trying to emulate the things he said and the...
Guidelines for screen device detox
I remember a couple years ago when Mindcraft was relatively new and parents would say: "Oh, Johnny is learning sooooo much from this. It...
As some of you know, we decided to redo our website and blog. We are excited to share this new site with you all and hope that we can...